Science Articles

Millions Of Bats Gather In Largest Mammal Migration On Earth

Kasanka National Park in Zambia, Africa, is home to an unlikely natural phenomenon — the world’s largest mammal migration. Each year, from October to December, millions of straw-colored fruit bats from across Africa converge on this evergreen swamp forest. These nocturnal mammals spend their nights feasting on wild fruits in the surrounding farmlands and their days resting in the forest. This cycle continues daily until January when the bats disperse and return to their respective habitats across the continent....

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Millions Of Bats Gather In Largest Mammal Migration On Earth

December 21 Marks The Beginning Of Winter In The Northern Hemisphere

As days grow shorter and temperatures drop, it might seem like winter has already arrived. However, the astronomical start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere will not occur until December 21, 2024. This date, known as the winter solstice, marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. Meanwhile, residents of the Southern Hemisphere will celebrate the summer solstice on the same day. They will enjoy the longest day and shortest night of 2024....

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December 21 Marks The Beginning Of Winter In The Northern Hemisphere

Student-Built Rocket Breaks 20-Year-Old Amateur Space Altitude Record

A rocket built by students at the University of Southern California (USC) Rocket Propulsion Lab (RPL) has shattered a 20-year record. Aftershock II, launched from Nevada's Black Rock Desert on October 20, 2024, reached an altitude of 470,000 feet (143.3 km). This was 90,000 feet (27.4 km) higher than the previous amateur rocket altitude record of 380,000 feet (115.8 km). It was set by the Civilian Space eXploration Team’s GoFast rocket in 2004....

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Student-Built Rocket Breaks 20-Year-Old Amateur Space Altitude Record

Get Ready For The Geminid Meteor Shower Next Week

With Christmas just around the corner, your neighborhood is likely aglow with beautiful lights. But those displays pale in comparison to nature's dazzling light show — the Geminids. Nicknamed the "900-pound gorilla of meteor showers" by NASA, the Geminids outshine others with dust streams that are 5 to 500 times more massive. The "shooting stars" are also easier to spot because they travel through the skies at about 22 miles (35 km) per second. This is about half the speed of the Perseid meteors, which zip by at about 37 miles (60 km) per second every year in August....

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Get Ready For The Geminid Meteor Shower Next Week

World's First Wooden Satellite Launched Into Space

LignoSat, the world’s first satellite made mostly from wood, reached the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a SpaceX cargo capsule on November 5, 2024. The palm-sized satellite, named after the Latin word for “wood," will be launched from the ISS into Earth’s orbit later this month. Its mission is to determine if wood can withstand the harsh conditions of space. If successful, LignoSat could pave the way for more environmentally friendly spacecraft designs....

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World's First Wooden Satellite Launched Into Space

Astronomers Capture First Close-Up Picture Of A Star Outside Our Galaxy

Over the years, astronomers have managed to capture a few images of stars in galaxies beyond Earth. However, these images have always appeared as mere points of light, even when seen through powerful telescopes. Now, thanks to the Very Large Telescope (VLT), scientists have captured the first close-up image of a massive star located a staggering 160,000 light-years from Earth....

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Astronomers Capture First Close-Up Picture Of A Star Outside Our Galaxy

This Ingenious Drone Recharges On The Go

Drones have come a long way since the first model that barely lifted two feet (60 cm) off the ground was unveiled in 1907. Modern quadcopters can soar to high altitudes and perform a wide range of tasks. However, their capabilities are often curbed by limited battery life....

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This Ingenious Drone Recharges On The Go