Fun Articles

Spectacular Drone Show Lights Up The Sky Over New York's Central Park

Thousands of New York residents witnessed a mesmerizing kinetic light show on October 21, 2023. The performance, titled "Franchise Freedom," featured 1,000 illuminated drones. The autonomous machines formed synchronous patterns in the sky above the Central Park Lake in three separate, 10-minute showings. The drone "dance" was synched to music by Dutch composer and pianist Joep Beving....

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Spectacular Drone Show Lights Up The Sky Over New York's Central Park

Mischievous Sea Otter Keeps Surfers On Their Toes In Santa Cruz

A Southern sea otter, nicknamed Otter 841, has been hassling surfers at Santa Cruz, California's Steamer Lane all summer. The five-year-old appears unannounced at the famous surfing spot. She then effortlessly hoists herself out of the ocean and onto surfboards. Sometimes, the otter destroys the boards by chewing on them. Other times, she bullies the startled surfer into giving up the board entirely....

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Mischievous Sea Otter Keeps Surfers On Their Toes In Santa Cruz

Free Comic Book Day Is Almost Here!

Enjoy reading comic books? Then you will be excited to know that May 6, 2023, is Free Comic Book Day (FCBD). This means you can walk into any one of the 2300+ participating retailers worldwide and pick up a free comic book. Now in its 21st year, the global event is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in May....

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Free Comic Book Day Is Almost Here!

A Tiny Chihuahua Named Pearl Is Officially The World's Shortest Dog

A two-year-old female Chihuahua named Pearl has just been declared the world's shortest dog living by the Guinness World Records. The pocket-sized pooch is 9.14 cm (3.59 in) tall and 12.7 cm (5 in) long. This is shorter than a regular-sized television remote control and about the same length as a US dollar bill! Pearl weighed less than an ounce (28g) when she was born in September 2020. She has since "bulked" up to 1.22 lbs (553g)....

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A Tiny Chihuahua Named Pearl Is Officially The World's Shortest Dog

Crash, A One-Eyed Rescue Cat, Is Cadbury's Easter "Bunny" for 2023

Crash, a one-eyed rescue cat from Boise, Idaho, has won the 2023 Cadbury "Bunny" Tryouts. The 8-year-old feline will star in an Easter commercial for Cadbury's chocolate eggs and be inducted into the "Bunny Tryouts Hall of Fame." He will also receive a cash prize of $5,000 for himself. Another $5,000 will be given to Simply Cats, the rescue center where Crash resides. They plan to use all the funds to help other animals in need....

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Crash, A One-Eyed Rescue Cat, Is Cadbury's Easter "Bunny" for 2023