Victoria Rebels (Paula Wiseman Books)

Victoria Rebels (Paula Wiseman Books)

By Carolyn Meyer

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Queen Victoria’s personal journals inform this captivating first-person novel about of one of history’s most prominent female leaders.

Queen Victoria most certainly left a legacy—under her rule as the longest reigning female monarch in history, the British Empire was greatly expanded and significant industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military changes occurred within the United Kingdom. To be a young woman in a time when few other females held positions of power was to lead in a remarkable age—and because Queen Victoria kept personal journals, this historical novel from award-winning author Carolyn Meyer shares authentic emotional insight along with accurate information, weaving a true story of intrigue and romance.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books
ISBN-13: 9781416987307
ISBN-10: 1416987304
Published on 5/6/2014
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272

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