St Clares Collection: Twins, the O'Sullivan Twins, Summer Team, Second Form, the Third Form, Kitty, Claudine, Fifth Formers & the Sixth Form

St Clares Collection: Twins, the O'Sullivan Twins, Summer Team, Second Form, the Third Form, Kitty, Claudine, Fifth Formers & the Sixth Form

By Enid Blyton

1 rating 2 reviews 2 followers
Publisher: Books Events - Special Repackaged Edition
ISBN-13: 9781780815329
ISBN-10: 1780815328
Published on 1/2/2012
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (3)

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A great book series by Enid Blyton that's really interesting to read! It's about two twins, Pat and Isabel who go to a boarding school called St Clares. Each year, there's always 2 or 3 new girls who join the school, most who are ready to cause chaos at St Clares. I recommend this book for Grades 5-6. The language may be a bit too formal for younger kids to understand as it's set in the earlier days (1940's).

Sophie unicorn Sophie unicorn

I have readed most of the the Enid Blyton books in this series (except Kitty in st clare's and 6th form at st Clare's

I think this is a really good series and I like all the action that happens in the books