Native Tongue (The Specialists)

Native Tongue (The Specialists)

By Shannon Greenland

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Book 4 of 5 in the  The Specialists Series
Book 4 of The Specialists

GiGi is back again and on a brand new mission in the fourth book in this original series! Lovable GiGi is pairing up with expert linguist Darren, aka Parrot, on a mission to South America. When a centuries-old vase is found in a cave full of hieroglyphics, it is discovered that this vase was important to at least fifteen different North American and South American Indian tribes. And now all fifteen nations want it back. They are meeting in Rutina, South America, to “decide” who gets the vase. Enter the Specialists, and Parrot who will go as the official translator. And when no one can decode the ancient cave writings, not even the elders of each nation, GiGi comes to the rescue. Of course there’s a hitch. One of the tribal chiefs attending the meeting in Rutina is connected to Parrot’s past—in a very bad way. The question is, will Parrot be able to face his past and complete the mission, or will the vase—and the fate of the Native American nation—fall into the wrong hands?
Publisher: Speak
ISBN-13: 9780142411605
ISBN-10: 0142411604
Published on 7/31/2008
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 237

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