There had been peace between a band of cold ones and a tribe wolves for a long time. It would still be that way if it weren't of a girl. The girl broke the treaty between the two as both loved her. And that girl was Bella Swan. The book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer was published on October 5, 2005. I think the book was very interesting but I also think the beginning and middle of the book was very slow moving. As son as the book hit the climax, it got interesting. But because of how slow the book was at the beginning, I would have to rate it a 4 of 5.
The book was set in a small town in Forks and is about the new girl Bella. Bella decided to move in with her dad for the year and she is not to happy about it. I haven't seen the movie so I can't compare it to that but I know that books and movies are never the same. I would recommend this book to mainly girls but anyone would like it. Specially to girls that like romance novels because this is a romance novel as well as the sequels. Over all, this was a great book you just have to give it a few chapters to really get into it.