My parents don't encourage gaming that much, particularly video games. I mean, I play occasionally, but they doubt that it would help my education, and that's their first priority besides our health and our well-being. But I do play Mario every Saturday with my brother (family tradition) and I can control something on the screen without looking at the GamePad because I'm already experienced. Same with, let's say, math. If I want to do the problem, "2+3=x," I don't need to use scratch paper because I've been experienced with doing problems like that nearly all my life and there is a "function" in my brain that allows me to do those problems more quickly than those who are younger than me or those who have less experience in problems like them. Plus, I'm actually *not to brag, but..* quite good at the Cup Song and almost anything I do with my hands. I can comprehend things really quickly and perform them, like if my teacher asks me to organize the bookshelf, I can do so really quickly during recess. However, what I think is kind of weird is that I am not very social in school and I don't have many friends other than books. However when I go on the Internet, or basically anything where I am not face-to-face, I can truly reveal my inner personality, and socialize with people better. Know what I mean?