April (Conspiracy 365)

April (Conspiracy 365)

By Gabrielle Lord

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On New Year's Eve, Callum Ormond is chased down the street by a crazed man with a deadly warning: They killed your father. They'll kill you. You must survive the next 365 days! Stranded in the middle of nowhere, terrified and alone, Cal is on the run. Somehow he must make sense of his father's mysterious drawings and solve a family secret from the past: the Ormond Singularity. But first he has to dodge the police and thugs who are closing in on him, and save his sister's life. He has 275 days. His world is falling apart...
Publisher: Kane/Miller Book Publishers
ISBN-13: 9781610671064
ISBN-10: 1610671066
Published on 1/1/2012
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 181

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