Bacteria Found In Ancient Ocean Rocks Provide Clues For Life On Mars

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A Mars selfie taken by NASA's Curiosity rover on Feb. 26, 2020, the 2,687th Martian day, or sol, of the mission (Credit: NASA)

The orbital spacecrafts, landers, and rovers sent to Mars under NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) have provided invaluable insights into the red planet's topography, climate, and natural resources. However, finding any evidence of life has proved elusive. Now, the discovery of microbial growth found inside ancient, cold oceanic crust in the middle of the South Pacific is giving scientists hope that the proof may already be with us — we just need to know where to look!

The chain of events leading to the unexpected discovery began in 2010, when Yohey Suzuki, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, joined a team of researchers on the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). The research ship, which took the scientists from the tropical island of Tahiti in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean to Auckland, New Zealand, anchored at three locations to collect mud and rock samples from the Earth's core — about 410 feet (125 meters) below the seafloor. Depending on the location, the specimens were estimated to be 13.5 million, 33.5 million, and 104 million years old.

To look for bacteria,, Yohey Suzuki coated the ancient rock with epoxy and sliced it ( Credit: Caitlin Devor, The University of Tokyo/ CC BY 4.0)

To prevent surface contamination, the samples were first sterilized using an artificial seawater wash and a quick burn. Then began the tedious search for microbes. At that time, the usual process to discover bacteria in rock samples was to strip the rock's outer layer, grind its center into a powder, and count cells from the crushed stone. "I was making loud noises with my hammer and chisel, breaking open rocks while everyone else was working quietly with their mud," Suzuki recalls. Unfortunately, the researcher found no evidence of bacteria.

Convinced the ancient rocks harbored life, Suzuki has since been seeking a better way to find evidence. He recently came up with the idea of slicing the rock samples, similar to how pathologists prepare ultra-thin slices of body tissue samples to diagnose illnesses. To ensure the specimens would not crumble when sliced, Suzuki first coated them with a special epoxy. The thin rock layers were then washed with DNA staining dye and placed under a microscope. Sure enough, a large number of bacteria, which appeared as glowing green spheres, were clustered inside tunnels of clay mineral deposits that glowed orange. The excited researcher says, "I thought it was a dream, seeing such rich microbial life in rocks."

The slices of the ancient oceanic rock samples revealed a treasure trove of bacteria (Credit: Caitlin Devor, The University of Tokyo/ CC BY 4.0)

DNA analysis revealed that while the species of bacteria from each location were similar, they were not identical. Suzuki and his colleagues estimate that the cracks, measuring about one millimeter in width, housed as many as 10 billion bacterial cells per cubic centimeter. In comparison, the clay samples extracted from the ocean floor have only about 100 bacterial cells per cubic centimeter. The team speculates the clay mineral-filled cracks contain a large concentration of nutrients upon which the bacteria sustain themselves.

The discovery of organisms in the ancient iron-and-clay-rich rocks is particularly exciting since the environment is similar to that found on Mars. Like Earth's, the red planet's crust was formed nearly four billion years ago from lava that erupted and rapidly cooled and hardened. Though the lakes and other bodies of water that once existed have dried up, they left behind craters of mineral-rich clay, similar to the clay found underneath the Earth's seafloor.

The bacteria (R) were clustered in tunnels of red clay (L), similar to the kind found on Mars (Credit: Suzuki et al/ CC BY 4.0)

Suzuki says, "Minerals are like a fingerprint for what conditions were present when the clay formed. Neutral to slightly alkaline levels, low temperature, moderate salinity, iron-rich environment, basalt rock — all of these conditions are shared between the deep ocean and the surface of Mars."

The team, who published the findings in the journal Communications Biology on April 2, 2020, is now collaborating with NASA's Johnson Space Center to devise a plan to examine the Martian surface rocks collected by the rovers. A thrilled Suzuki asserts, "This discovery of life where no one expected it in solid rock below the seafloor may be changing the game for the search for life in space."

Will we finally find evidence of aliens on Mars? Stay tuned!



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  • snakegeek2009
    snakegeek2009about 4 years
    to other life on other planets, we are aliens so on other planets is there an area 51 to study us?
    • 40731
      40731about 4 years
      technically, it is very unlikely that any other life is at the point that we are and definitely not with a government like us in any way so no they would not have an "Area-51" to study the human
      • jundooom
        jundooomabout 4 years
        Also, none of our shuttles have crash landed anywhere with signs of aliens. Thats the main thing, how could they study us in a lab if we haven't explored them?
      • darkdragonside
        darkdragonsideabout 4 years
        dragonlove9 i love your thinking and yeah what if they find us first that would not be good
    • dragonlove9
      dragonlove9about 4 years
      I knew aliens were real! There are so many Goldilocks planets in the universe that it's impossible for aliens NOT to be real! The question is, will we find them all, or will they find us?
      • 40731
        40731about 4 years
        yes, that is correct but you are forgetting about the Fermi Paradox. life probably does exist but at the same time as us. not what we see. because what we see is dated back billions of years due to the speed of light. so yes life is there no we cannot see it
      • lopext
        lopextabout 4 years
        lost in space all over agian😂😂😂
        • aimeexl_lover
          aimeexl_loverabout 4 years
          What if the aliens are out there wondering if there is life here 2???? Just a thought.
          • swagboylolz
            swagboylolzabout 4 years
            not bad
            • weevel
              weevelabout 4 years
              so cool . I showed it do my brother and he said i know there is alians
              • fishy1022
                fishy1022about 4 years
                Hi I just fowlled you. That is cool that you showed your brother and he believes in aliens. don't give your hopes up
              • darkdragonside
                darkdragonsideabout 4 years
                then i would go CRAZY
                • darkdragonside
                  darkdragonsideabout 4 years
                  CREEPY I wounder if there are other planets like Earth and if they will coem and spy on us
                  • thebeandude
                    thebeandudeabout 4 years
                    Why would they spy on us? We're inferior to the aliens if they can reach us from however many light years away!
                  • orangehamster
                    orangehamsterabout 4 years
                    "Life on Mars" -David Bowie
                    • galaxygirl11
                      galaxygirl11about 4 years
                      This is very cool, interesting, and kind-of creepy...