Video Of The Week - Britain's Youngest Town Crier Is Eight!

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First there was nine-year old Quvenzhané Wallis, the youngest Oscar nominee for best actor in the history of the awards and now there is little Evie Cloy who at 8, just became Britain's (and probably the world's), youngest town crier!

Though not so popular anymore, in medieval England, one where there were no newspapers and most people were illiterate, town criers were the chief source of information for the residents. They were the ones that walked around the main streets announcing new laws, upcoming event and even informing people about things like food recalls. Not surprisingly, they are only about 150 of them left in the country now.

The tiny town of Creetown in Dumfries, England decided to join this minority group and held a competition on March 2nd, to select a new town crier. The only qualification required was a big voice, which Evie has in abundance - It also helped that no adult 'dared' to audition for the job!

Besides wearing an over-sized jacket and drawing the attention of residents with an ancient bell, Evie will also be required to make ceremonial appearances and announcements about things like upcoming local fairs and other local events - Sounds like a fun job to us!


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  • niniover 11 years
    wow! wish there could be a town crier where I live!
    • dogguy234
      dogguy234over 11 years
      thats awesome!
      • Maraover 11 years
        Sweet job that would be way cool
        • kover 11 years
          pretty cool job.. but isn't it dangerous for her to be walking around without any buddies, or parents?
          • ilovecheese
            ilovecheeseover 11 years
            That's awesome!
            • paceover 11 years
              wow amazing!
              • carlyover 11 years
                wow thats interesting! I bet that girl was very happy on her picture she looks happy.She is only 9 years old too! They say it is the youngest Oscar nominee.
                • cuyhelji
                  Mrs. Uyheljiover 11 years
                  Actually, she is not the 9 year old Oscar nominee, she is the 8 year old town crier. Make sure you read the article before commenting.
                • Adrian Bacaover 11 years
                  She looks to young to be on a TV show. She Is nine it looks like she is 10 years old.what TV show is she on?
                  • cuyhelji
                    Mrs. Uyheljiover 11 years
                    She stands in the streets and yells the news. Be sure to read the article first!
                  • lilttes
                    lilttesover 11 years
                    Wow, good for her. I wonder how excited she was to win? I hope she does good at her new job!
                    • Karissa Hallover 11 years
                      I think it is vary interesting because a nine year old won.