Hi-Tech Floor Transforms Multi-Sport Gyms Into Multi, Multi Sport Gyms!

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If your school is like most, chances are you have one gym that is used for maybe one or two sports - Most likely Volleyball and Basketball. And it's not because that is the maximum number of sports the gym can be scheduled for, but because all sports have different boundary lines and while the colors can be changed, it still gets a little confusing for athletes. Now, Germany's ASB Systembau has created an interactive floor that allow for the markings to be changed instantly, with a mere push of a button.

Called Lucio, it comprises of two layers. A surface made of easily removable special glass that has undergone a series of processes and treatments to ensure that it is as springy as the current wooden floors and also layered with a colored PVB foil, coated with an extra-strong anti-skid laminate. Underneath, lies an equally cushioned framework made from metal channels that are embedded with blue and white LED's, which are arranged such that they create the specific boundary that is needed for the sport being played, at any given time. All the coach or the player has to do, is press the button with the right symbol!

Priced at about $560 USD per square meter, the floor has been thoroughly vetted by researchers from Germany's Stuttgart University and meets not only the sliding characteristics required for gyms but both national and international requirements for slip resistance, shock absorption etc. etc. The best part is, that it is available right now and one pioneering school in Bavaria is already using it!

ASB Systembau believes that the floor will be useful for many other venues, ranging from displaying rotating floor advertisements to even, nightclubs. We are sure all you wish is that someone would install the Lucio in your school gym!

Resources: t3.com,visualnews.com,nydailynews.com

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  • Tryrone over 6 years
    I think that this is a good idea because my gym only has a basketball court and they have to use volleyball for it too. If my school had this, I would be so much happier!
    • barf over 6 years
      I feel like cracking that floor (not that its possible)
      • meover 6 years
        • kzp
          kzpalmost 7 years
          SO COOL
          • abbyabout 7 years
            this is beast
            • treyonyxabout 7 years
              SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              • youngmetroover 7 years
                i bet this is so cool
                • Cutiepieover 7 years
                  I wish I had 1
                  • rin101
                    rin101about 8 years
                    can we skate on it?
                    • denut
                      denutabout 8 years
                      is this cool