Minecraft As A Mandatory Subject In School? Sweet!

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Image Credit: Minecraft.net

Sweden has to be one of the coolest places for a kid to grow up in - First, they introduced the concept of schools with no grades or classrooms, then came Monstrum's amazing playgrounds and now, the coolest idea of all - 'Forcing' 13-year-olds to play Minecraft as part of the classroom curriculum.

The seed for this rather radical idea was planted when the government of Sweden organized a national school competition called 'Future City' for which classrooms were asked to submit their ideas about the kind of structures they envisioned in the Sweden of the future.

Image Credit: Minecraft.net

It was such a success that educators at Stockholm’s Viktor Rydberg school decided to continue this 'out of the box' thinking by incorporating Minecraft into the class curriculum for 13-year-students.

According to the teachers, the game which challenges kids to use their imagination by building virtual worlds complete with electricity grids, water supply pumps and anything else they would like to see in their future, allows students to think beyond the classroom frontiers. This they believe will help them make better decisions as adults, especially about things like the environmental impact of their actions. And while it may sound radical to most people they liken it to teaching a woodcraft class - except in this case, all the construction is being conducted in a virtual world.

Image Credit: MInecraft.net

So far, 180, 13-year girls and boys, have participated in this mandatory unit, which not surprisingly has been such a huge hit that the school is planning to make it a permanent addition to their curriculum. It of course augments, not replaces, core subjects like math and science. The educators say that even parents who were a little apprehensive about their kids playing video games at school, are now on board and fully support this decision.

We wonder if any school in the US would even consider such a drastic curriculum addition - And how parents would react. What do you think? Be sure to let us know, by adding your comments below.

Resources: The local.se, gizmag.com

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  • coolman27
    coolman27about 4 years
    I think they should do this in the U.S.
    • home_girl242
      home_girl242about 4 years
      AWSOME!!!!!! IDK how people do not like mincraft
      • rch9
        rch9about 4 years
        I love this game I play it all the time its mt favorait so is Roblox but I like it because you can be creative and nobody is there to make fin of you your just free. Follow me if you agree
      • lizeth2009
        lizeth2009about 4 years
        hehe this is awesome
        • wolfy_blue
          wolfy_blueabout 4 years
          minecraft is awesome
          • 100letters
            100lettersabout 4 years
            I don’t play Minecraft, but this sounds awesome! I wish I lived in Sweden!
            • cathulu2020
              cathulu2020about 4 years
              now i want to move there!
              • snakeale
                snakealeabout 4 years
                yay using hacks at school!
                • jango
                  jangoabout 4 years
                  the traller is so dramatic "as you mine depper and depper... you relise.. you are not alone." also MINECRAFT IN SCHOOLS!!!! SWEDEN IS THE BEST!!!
                  • ceebee
                    ceebeeabout 4 years