The Countdown To Earth Hour Has Begun!

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If you have always wondered what you can do to help our planet, here is your chance. On Saturday March 31st, join the millions of people that are celebrating Earth Hour. All you have to do is switch off all lights and other electrical devices for just 60 minutes from 8.30 - 9.30 pm. This minor action will go a long way in helping global warming.

Earth Hour was first proposed by the Australian chapter of the Word Wildlife Fund in 2007. That year, 2.2 million households and 2,100 businesses flipped the switch for an hour, in Sydney. This small sacrifice resulted in conserving 10% of the electricity consumed by the city in a normal hour - the equivalent of saving the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by 48,000 cars in 60 minutes.

This revelation made an impact on so many people across the globe that in 2008, over 50 million from over 5,000 cities joined in and the numbers have only been growing since. Today, Earth Hour is the largest voluntary environmental event in the world, one even observed by famous city landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Opera House in Sydney.

Now the organizers are challenging people all over the world to go beyond the hour - That is, make small lifestyle changes all year so that we can all help reverse global warming, more effectively.

Are you up for the challenge? Can you set aside your television and electronic gadgets for an hour this Saturday and maybe even beyond that? If so, be sure to sign up at And, don't forget to spread the word around so that everyone can do his or her share in saving our planet - One light bulb at a time!


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  • sup?!?over 12 years
    im gonna do that!!
    • izzysk8er
      izzysk8erover 12 years
      i'll ask if i can do that
      • 13nicole910
        13nicole910over 12 years
        ok....................... here???
        • madisonover 12 years
          cant wait till it light out time
          • ninanika
            ninanikaover 12 years
            I heard this one the news! Are we going to be out of water too? Maybe not...
            • popalaca
              popalacaover 12 years
              • anoynomousover 12 years
                i always here talk about changing the world, i want it to happen. This is the only place we have dont you want your family in 1000 years to have a good life, i do. So common take the challange! Help the world and yourself!
                • aserenity817
                  aserenity817over 12 years
                  I am gonna try to do it its fun and I and I also wanna do it to save polar bears....YEAH GO POLAR BEARS!
                  • Unknownover 12 years
                    I'm going to participate!
                    • daniellehoover 12 years