Should Restaurants Penalize Customers For Leftover Food?

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According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people in the world are starving and the number that is underfed, is even greater. Despite these dire statistics, many of us have no qualms ordering much more than we can devour at restaurants and then, letting it all go to waste - Now, a restaurant in Saudi Arabia is trying to put a stop to the unnecessary wastage - By levying a fine!

Fahd Al Anzi, the owner of Marmar restaurant in the eastern port of Damma decided to implement this rather un-friendly rule after reading about the plight of the people of Somalia. He said that while millions of people were dying of starvation there, customers who came to his restaurant often ordered way more than they could possibly consume, largely to impress their friends and then, tossed it all away.

The fine he imposes depends on the amount of leftover food and the odd thing is, that instead of rebelling against the restaurant, his customers are lauding him for his initiative and, ordering less. In fact, they are calling him the 'Robin Hood' of Saudi Arabia because all the extra money he collects is sent to Somalia.

This is not the first restaurant to impose a fine for over ordering. A Hong Kongrestaurant charges customers per ounce of leftovers, while Sydney-based Japanese restaurant WAFU, charges customers an extra 30% for leftover food (unless, they bring their own take home container) and, requests them to never come to the restaurant again! We believe more eateries should start implementing these surcharges - What do you think? Be sure to add your comments below.


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  • Jasmine Rotgeralmost 11 years
    no because u arent paying the bill of are food we are so what ever we eat we eat
    • brett bosakalmost 11 years
      no because what if we are full. sometimes we dont even like the food on their plate. you cant even get a box to take the food home. son i think they shouldnt do this.
      • brett bosakalmost 11 years
        no beacuse what if they are full
        • brett bosakalmost 11 years
          I think they shouldnt because what if were full
          • ocelot
            ocelotalmost 11 years
            I think that that's a deal!...
            • hamsterlover123almost 11 years
              Thats really sad. i will not i repeat will not ever take the food i eat for granted again. and yes i do think that reastraunts should fine their customers for the food they leave on the plate. somthing like a dollar per ounce. and if there was an all u could eat buffer confused100% the people invited would die because their stomachs are used to proccessing only a little food at a time scarecly. how else do u guys think they survive????????????????????????????????
              • zeus 10over 11 years
                that is not cool because yo have to pay for food that you did not eat.
              • Confused100%over 11 years
                HOW about u just have an all u can eat buffet, and ask them to give the leftovers to u, but eat a bite in front of u so u know that they didn't poison it, and u can send the LEFTOVERS to Saudi Arabia!!!
              • railey444
                railey444over 11 years
                thaats not cool
                • Megover 11 years