Pencil Art

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All artists have a favorite medium to work with - For American artist Jennifer Maestre its pencils. The 49-year old specializes in creating stunning one-of-a-kind pencil sculptures that are inspired by sea urchins and nature in general.

Jen's love for using pointy objects to create her pieces of art began while she was still at the Massachusetts School of Arts. During her last year, she began using nails to create her sculptures - while they became more complicated as years went by, she was not satisfied in how they turned out and started to look for other sharp, low tech objects to work with. About ten years ago, she stumbled upon a sharpened pencil and has never looked back since.

The Concorde resident starts by cutting hundreds of sharpened pencils into one-inch pieces - effectively turning them into what she refers to as 'beads'. She then drills a hole into each one so that she can stitch them together.

The artist says there is no exact science to her creations. She starts with an image in mind and makes lost of mistakes during the process - in fact it is these that are sometimes her biggest source of inspiration in coming up with something totally unique.

Jen, whose creations sell for thousands of dollars, loves what she does and says that her mind is always brimming with new ideas for her tiny sharpened colorful pencils. To see more pictures of her amazing work check out her website at,,

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  • otter
    otterover 10 years
    When I saw the title, I thought it would be about someone drawing with pencils. Apparently not. Cool!
  • susie
    susieover 10 years
    • jessicaover 10 years
      Wow!how can pencils be used in this? It is inpossible. I bet that is fake. How can they stick PENCILS. Totaly not real.
      • bigmelo
        bigmeloabout 9 years
        Oh, the article says that pencil artists drill a small hole through the pencils so that they can be stitched together. Hope this helped! :)
        • bigmelo
          bigmeloabout 9 years
          Well, the word 'impossible' literally has the words 'I'm possible'. - Audrey Hepburn... Also, there are multitude of possibilities these artists could have used, such as an adhesive, magnets, & even specifically-wedged carvings of certain pencils to fit together! :D
          • nikukyu
            nikukyuabout 9 years
            I love Audrey Hepburn! I've checked out her biography so many times at the library!
          • susie
            susieover 10 years
            take a look at the video and you will see!!
            • susie
              susieover 10 years
              it is real!!
            • sausage
              sausageover 10 years
              wow it looks very strange but very unique
              • Pencilrocker100about 11 years
                This is creative. I love stuff like this. I make stuff like that at home too!"
                • sparkle987
                  sparkle987about 11 years
                  • yusefjoe
                    yusefjoeabout 11 years
                    it is soooooooo cool wish how to do it
                    • emmadoot334
                      emmadoot334about 11 years
                      this is super cool how do they do that
                      • roller
                        rollerover 11 years
                        still dont understand how this involves pencils
                        • kayelaover 11 years
                          i think this is so cool i want to see how they do this