Looking For Me ? ?

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A 2-year toddler from Leicester, caused her parents and neighbors a bit of heartache earlier this week, when she suddenly 'vanished' from her house.

Muumbe Hapenga was hanging out at home with her dad, Austin, while her mom went to work. Suddenly her dad realized that she was not around him. He searched the house inside out, but there was no sign of the little girl.

Panicked, the dad called the police and alerted the entire neighborhood, who started to scour the area by foot and car. However, Muumbe seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Fearing the worst, her dad did yet another search of the house, and in desperation even looked inside a suitcase filled with clothes.

To his utter amazement, the little girl lay there, fast asleep, totally unaware of the commotion and panic she had caused. She had apparently found nice cozy place to take a snooze in and decided to do it. The relieved dad called off the search and everyone went home happy!


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  • Frostover 10 years
    • sadness not allover 10 years
      i would be terrified if i was her.
      • sadness not allover 10 years
        how long was she in that suitcase?
        • sadness not allover 10 years
          oh my gosh, that dad is so amazing and oh my gosh. at least she was found!
          • kaleyover 10 years
            • kellyover 10 years
              thats sad
              • Christianover 10 years
                • Girlover 10 years
                  That's so sad
                  • Wowover 10 years
                    All that trouble and panic, and there she was, safe and calm. :0
                    • mindy910
                      mindy910over 10 years
                      Could she even breathe in that suitcase???