To Kill a MockingBird (Harperperennial Modern Classics): by Harper Lee | Unofficial & Independent Summary & Analysis

To Kill a MockingBird (Harperperennial Modern Classics): by Harper Lee | Unofficial & Independent Summary & Analysis

By SuperReader Books

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Disclaimer: Please note that this summary & analysis is an independent and unofficial review and summary of the original book. This book is not related to Harperperennial Classics. This book summary is an independent indie publication voicing my own unbiased review and summary.

To Kill a Mockingbird: (Harperperennial Modern Classics) by Harper Lee | Summary & Analysis

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is a heart pounding and best selling story that mixes adult fiction with historical context. It is a controversial and emotion stirring classic. This book is engaging to adults and teenagers alike, a mainstream gold mine as well as a niche specialty. The story is told from the eyes of a young girl who sees relentless inequalities as well as heart breaking prejudice in the south as well as her father who heroically fights against all odds. Scout is her brother's keeper and she is the teller of his secrets. Readers look in through a periscope into the life of a young person growing up in Maycomb, 1935. Scout's surprising wit and childlike humor is enough to ensure that the whole truth and nothing but the truth is delivered. The Lessons given from Atticus Finch, are ours to learn through the eyes of his beloved daughter, Scout.

Available on PC, Mac, Smart Phone, Tablet, and Kindle devices
©2015 All Rights Reserved
Published on 11/9/2015
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 75

Book Reviews (1)

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cause everyone read it in my family so now i will read it. Not everyone might like it but i love it.