
By Meera Dolasia


Need help with those mad-minute math tests or just want to brush up some basic skills? Here is a great site that will help you do that. The best part is that real teachers monitor your progress and give you feedback on the skills that you have aced and the ones that still need some work - All for free!

Go to kids site
  • Rhinoboyabout 12 years
    so easy
    • vbaker
      vbakerabout 12 years
      I have not tryed Xtramath yet but to the comments I think its pretty good plues I love math!
      • swifty19
        swifty19about 12 years
        • Benabout 12 years
          Hate it!
          • Mayaabout 12 years
            Xtramath is ruining my life!
            • Luluabout 12 years
              Xtramath sucks. i hate hate hate math math math! my moms making me do this and its so lame! just bad. PLEASE parents, if youre reading this, let your kid stop xtra math if they want to. this is torture.
              • miranda123
                miranda123about 12 years
                • hodanabout 12 years
                  i love love xramath do you
                  • oliviaabout 12 years
                    I hate xtramath
                    • garciakj2
                      garciakj2about 12 years
                      i luv math!!!!!!!! its so cool!!!!!!!!!!!

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