Cool Math For Kids

By Meera Dolasia

Cool Math For Kids

The founders of the site describe it as 'an amusement park of math and more - especially designed for fun, fun, FUN! - and they are right.  It not only covers all the math concepts you will need from kindergarten to high school, but also makes them fun to learn. Check it out today and let us know what you think.

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  • ihascupquack
    ihascupquackalmost 9 years
    • duckyducky
      duckyduckyabout 9 years
      I go on this website sometimes, and it's great! Some games there are in cool math:Crazy Taxi and Wheely!
      • nuclear_apples
        nuclear_applesabout 9 years
        its not necessarily educational but still fun to play the games right?
        • skydragon
          skydragonabout 9 years
          I love the games. It is called cool math but there is not much math
          • sushi321
            sushi321about 9 years
            some of the games are addicting
            • ck3
              ck3about 9 years
              I play on this website sometimes....
              • srox
                sroxabout 9 years
                OK, this isn't ALL that educational: but I still love the Games part
                • whovian111
                  whovian111about 9 years
                  Not all things are math related so some teachers just say go on an educational website and if you ask if cool math falls under that category they just assume it does because of the name. But I'm not complaining.
                  • dancer345
                    dancer345about 9 years
                    love it!
                  • egghead44
                    egghead44about 9 years
                    I have been on this website before in math! (Some of the games aren't even math! Some are even physics!😜

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