Down to the Wire (The Specialists)

Down to the Wire (The Specialists)

By Shannon Greenland

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Book 2 of 5 in the  The Specialists Series
Book 2 of The Specialists

GiGi is back, this time teaming up with electronics specialist Frankie, aka Wirenut, for their next mission. Wirenut has an uncanny knack for breaking into the highest-level security systems that stump even the experts. Which is precisely why he was recruited by the Specialists. So when wealthy entrepreneur Octavias Zorba hires the Specialists to recover a stolen neurotoxin, the head of the Specialists is sure that Wirenut is perfect for the job. But there’s a catch. The computer-coded hints that will lead to the neurotoxin are hidden in a few precious artifacts. And when these hints are found, there is limited time to get them decoded or they will disappear forever. But as GiGi and Wirenut begin their mission, they suddenly find themselves on a fast-paced hunt for the criminal, with time quickly running out….
Publisher: Speak
ISBN-13: 9780142409176
ISBN-10: 0142409170
Published on 9/6/2007
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224

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