The Familiars

The Familiars

By Adam Jay Epstein, Andrew Jacobson

37 ratings 38 reviews 97 followers
Book 1 of 4 in the  Familiars Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 10 - 8n/a6.358512
THE FAMILIARS are the magical animal companions to a wizard or witch. When three young wizards-in-training get kidnapped by the evil queen of the land, it is up to their familiars to go a dangerous journey to rescue them. You'll meet Aldwyn, an orphan alley cat pretending to have telekinesis; Skylar, a know-it-all blue jay who can cast illusions; and Gilbert, a hapless tree frog with the ability to see visions of the future in pools of water. See what happens when these three animal assistants -- typically relegated to the background or found sitting quietly on their wizard's shoulders -- go on a heroic adventure of their own!
Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780061961083
ISBN-10: 0061961086
Published on 9/7/2010
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 368

Book Reviews (39)

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The Familiars is a great book about magic, animals, and friendship. Aldwin is a normal cat, until the butcher hires a bounty hunter to catch him. He ends up in a Familiars shop and gets picked by a new wizard named Jack. At Jack's home, he meets a bluejay and a frog, also familiars, who share many adventures together. But when their Loyals get kidnapped, the three friends must go on a periolus journey to rescue their human companions. With many bumps on the way, the story comes to a terrific conclusion and a great ending. I highly reccomend this book, and you should definently read this book.

Jack, Marianne and Dalton were captured by Loranella, the evil queen of Vastia. Aldwyn, Gilbert and Skylar shouldered a great responsibility of rescuing their loyals from danger, they set off on an adventure. On the way to the destination, the familiars faced troubles and overcame them which made their friendship closer and closer. When the familiars finally reached their goal, saving their loyals, unexpectedly, they found out that incredible secrets had been hidden deep between them......When there is only a few hour left to rescue their loyals, the familiars had been in an argument of dishonesty and irresponsibility. How can the familiars unite again in this darkest moment on the quest? Can Jack, Marianne and Dalton survive under Queen Loranella's evil hand? What incredible hidden message will the familiars find during the rest of the journey?

I've read this book before I really like it. I recommend to people who love magical adventures. It is a wonderful story filled with all sorts of animals. Magical animals to be exact.

I kinda like the book. But I loved it at the same time! I can't stop thinking about it!!

Very good book!!!!

This book is awesome. The 3 animals are on their quest to find the master and their owners. They work together to get through obstacles. In the end they found the master and their owners.

Um, I wanted to like it but the truth is, that I dont. Not really.

I read all three of these books in 3rd and 4th and they were really good. Full of fantasy and adventure! If you're interested in those genres, trust me you will love this book.

I've read this book before I really like it. I recommend to people who love magical adventures.

almost finished

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