Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

By Eoin Colfer

114 ratings 119 reviews 134 followers
Book 1 of 8 in the  Artemis Fowl Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 8Y556684

Join the world of "Artemis Fowl", the number one bestseller by Eoin Colfer. Rumour has it Artemis Fowl is responsible for every major crime of the new century. Just twelve years old and already he's a criminal genius, plotting to restore his family's fortune with a spot of corruption and kidnapping. Kidnapping a fairy for ransom, to be precise. Artemis Fowl has discovered a world below ground of armed and dangerous - and extremely high-tech - fairies. But he may have underestimated their powers. They will fight back. Is the boy about to trigger a cross-species war? Let the misadventure begin. "Fast-paced, tongue in cheek ...laugh-out-loud". ("Sunday Times"). "A huge hit". ("The Guardian"). "Artemis is a brilliant creation". (Anthony Horowitz). Winner of the WHSmith Children's Book of the Year Award and Children's Book of the Year at the Children's Book Awards. It is shortlisted for the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award. Eoin Colfer was born and raised in Wexford in the south-east of Ireland. He began writing plays at an early age and, as an adult, continued to write. "Artemis Fowl", his first book featuring the brilliant young anti-hero, was an immediate international bestseller and won several prestigious awards.

Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
ISBN-13: 9781423124528
ISBN-10: 1423124529
Published on 6/23/2009
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 304

Book Reviews (113)

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This book was OK. I think it is meant for ages 10+, and not any younger. Yes, the first chapter is VERY confusing but the 2nd should explain most of it. I would recommend this for ages 10+.

Artemis Fowl is a 12-year-old genius/mastermind/criminal. Also the seeming villain of the story... Anyway, that’s for you to judge. Artemis is after the Fairy gold, which many people have died in the past trying to get. It is protected by the Fairy’s Book prophecy, which Artemis has to decode (there’s actually a really cool code running along the bottom of the pages that’s fun to decode! I suggest you try it!). Artemis concludes that the best way to get his hands on the Fairies and their gold is he has to bring them right to him, by capturing a Fairy and holding him ransom! In this case, the Fairy was a girl, the only girl working for the prestigious LEPrecon team. Yes, yes, humans have always thought they were leprechauns, but really they were less fantastic rescue teams. Holly Short is her name, and she is one of the toughest, funniest characters in the book, my personal favorite. She gets kidnapped and held at the Fowl Mansion until the rest of the Fairies make a spectacular plan to save her. But Artemis Fowl seems to predict their every move... who will survive, with gold or without? This book was a unique read, because the plot was untraditional and unexpected. Who was the villain? Who was the hero? The perspectives change throughout the book, which kind of confused me but was exciting as well. At some times it was hard to get through because the chapter would be boring and slow, but for the most part it was interesting and I enjoyed it. I recommend this book to ages 9+, and rate it 3/5 stars!

Artemis, a child prodigy of 12 and descendent of rich and famous mastermind criminals wants gold, and he's going to find a fairy to do it!

This amazing sciene masterminds type book is so good and I really want to read the rest of the series because this one kept me hooked till the end

I liked the ideas in this book, but I found it boring and slow. This was the first time I actually made it through the entire book without quiting. I did enjoy the code along the bottom of the pages, but other than that, it wasn't an enjoyable book.

Artemis Fowl is a daring person and a mastermind haker that is trying to restore his family's fortune. And I get why he wants to do that because I would totally do that to if that happen to my family.

I love Artemis Fowl. I love the mystery of it all and how suspenseful the story lines are. Artemis isn't very likeable at first, but I really grew to like him.

Really I have not read it yet but it sounds like a great book!

This is a very magical book! I like it because it has a very creepy effect to the friend first told me to read the series but I started off with the second book because I had to hold the first book in the library! I was so exited to read this book!!

This book is extremely well written and funny. This book and series are among my favorite books, and considering all the books I’ve read, that’s a high honor. I especially enjoy the clever plots that Artemis Fowl II concocts to gain knowledge of the Fairy People and their gold. Holly’s daredevil attitude and her excellent ability to handle situations under pressure makes this book breathtaking and exhilarating. I admire Butler’s supreme soldier’s initiative and ability to protect Artemis as well as to go along with his plans to figure out the underworld secrets of the People. Mulch Diggums, too, is clever, but in his own way. His... er... interesting method of transportation and escape is funny to read about. And Artemis! His plans are clever, some parts of it not even the centaur genius Foaly can anticipate. His mother in a state of disrepair, his father gone missing in Russia, he puts his evil ploys together to restore the Fowl family fortune. This book is so witty, funny, serious, suspenseful, and it kept me wondering: What will come next?

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