Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows

By Wilson Rawls

113 ratings 150 reviews 181 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 8X4.975528

This classic about a 10-year-old boy growing up in the Ozark mountains with his inseparable pair of coonhounds will warm the hearts of young and old alike.

ISBN-13: 9780030547744
ISBN-10: 0030547741
Published on 9/14/1998
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 288

Book Reviews (138)

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This book was really sad... This book was really emotional because it was about an everlasting friendship with a dog and two dogs. I cried: Rawls truly knows how to make a great book from time to time.

Where the Red Fern Grows is about a boy who's always wanted to get two hounds. His family was poor and couldn't afford to buy a hound. When Daniel (The boy) comes across a newspaper saying you could buy a dog for $25. Daniel then goes to his grandfather's store and asks if his grandfather could help him get those dogs. It took Daniel 2 years two earn enough money for the hounds. When he received the dogs, he was overjoyed. Daniel started training his dogs into hunting coons, which were the animals that were a lot of money if you shed their hide. After training, Daniel's grandfather showed him a flyer saying that there was a coon hunt. Daniel knew that his two dogs, Old Dan, and Little Ann could win because the boy and the dogs created a bond together, which they could never leave each other. When they reached the campsite, they were to raffle a day they were going to hunt. On the day of their hunt, a huge blizzard occurred. Unfourtanetley, Daniel lost his dogs, but still could hear them. Daniel's grandfather sprained his foot and most of the people had to go back to help the grandfather. Daniel heard a bark and heard his dogs. They came to him and they helped slay the coons that Old Dan and Little Ann found. After the coon hides were pronounced in the contest, they won! When they reached home, they came upon a mountain lion and Old Dan was badly hurt. The mountain lion was slain, but Old Dan had open scars and he couldn't survive any longer. Daniel wept and didn't want Old Dan to die, but Old Dan's time had come. After Old Dan passed away, Little Ann couldn't live her life without Old Dan. Little Ann passed away from depression. Since then, Daniel has lived his life loving hounds forever and treats them with respect.

I really enjoyed reading this book review but I am wondering if we read different versions because when I read this book, the boys name was Billy.

my mom recomended it for me and said to read so I didi and it was my fav book of the year 2018

This book is a very good book because it shows the relationship between man and man's best friend. I recommend this to readers of all ages.

Loved the book! I have a copy of my own, but I have no clue where I got it!

Coolstuffs Coolstuffs

I LOVED IT!đŸ™ƒđŸ™ƒđŸ™ƒđŸ€©

I really enjoyed this book.

This book will throw you through emotions like sad,happy,exited. The author really does a really good job at describing the characters to make to feel like you are right there with them. When I started reading I never wanted to stop for how good this book was.

This book is the best thing ever i I would rank this a 5 out of 5

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