Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows

By Wilson Rawls

114 ratings 150 reviews 182 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 8X4.975528

This classic about a 10-year-old boy growing up in the Ozark mountains with his inseparable pair of coonhounds will warm the hearts of young and old alike.

ISBN-13: 9780030547744
ISBN-10: 0030547741
Published on 9/14/1998
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 288

Book Reviews (138)

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this was an amazing book, even though it made me cry at the end! i think everyone should read this!!!

i like how he always prays and never gives up the hunt and he like to adventure alot with his dogs

This was an okay book. But I found it a little to sad for my taste. But I think that you guy should read it for yourselves.

my teacher read it it was sad little ann and old dan died

My teacher had chosen this book for read aloud, I had heard of the title but I never believed how good it was. It had made even my scary, violent, ( by the way, she is really small) friend bawl like a baby.

Yes, this is a really good book but i was bawling the whole time sooooooooo sad yes, good but depressingly sad and scared me for life. Saddest book i have read in a while! Thank you very much!

My teacher had chosen this book for read aloud, I had heard of the title but I never believed how good it was. It had made even my scary, violent, ( by the way, she is really small) friend bawl like a baby.

Is a great book if you want a story about a love for something and the bond between a boy and his dogs.