There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom (Collins Readers)

There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom (Collins Readers)

By Louis Sachar

39 ratings 44 reviews 61 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 7Grades 1 - 5Q3.436671
A boy who fights with his school mates, and makes it difficult for anyone to like him, learns how to be accepted. This hilarious yet moving story bears all the classic hallmarks of a Sachar novel -- pace, humour, modernity and sensitivity. "Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you. " That's Bradley Chalkers for you. He's the oldest in his class, he tells enormous lies, he picks fights with girls, and teachers say he has "serious behaviour problems. " No-one likes him -- except Carla, the new school counsellor. She thinks Bradley is sensitive and generous, and she even enjoys his far-fetched stories. Carla knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren't afraid to try...A story of isolation, bravery and gradual acceptance told with great humour by Louis Sachar, the author of the brilliant Holes.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN-13: 9781408869109
ISBN-10: 1408869101
Published on 1/1/2016
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (46)

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Very funny you never know what will happen next

This book is awesome Bradley turns sweet Jeff was sweet turns in a dick gets sweet again and their new Girl (friend) .....someone

I personally think it is funny so far, to me, my mom told me she read the beginning of it then stopped, i love it so far.

this book was rely funyyyyyy i had fun rading.I want toooo read it agian but my mom wont get the book for me

My literature circle is reading this book and is working on our tasks and stuff. I LOVE this book so far it's a really really great book and interesting. IF U HAVE NEVER READ IT READ IT!

I loved this book it was funny. Theres this guy that gets found in the girl bathroom. Theres this new kid that comes and helps him out this is as ive gotta i love it