The Outsiders (M Books)

The Outsiders (M Books)

By S.E. Hinton

74 ratings 119 reviews 141 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 7 - 12Grades 10 - 9Z4.748523
Ponyboy is 14 years old, tough and confused, yet sensitive beneath his bold front. Since his parents' deaths, his loyalties have been to his brothers and his gang, the rough boys from the wrong side of the tracks. When his best friend kills a member of a rival gang, a nightmare of violence begins and quickly envelops Ponyboy in a turbulent chain of events.
Publisher: Penguin Books
ISBN-13: 9780425288290
ISBN-10: 0425288293
Published on 11/1/2016
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 224

Book Reviews (114)

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Shyann K Shyann K

This book was a fun book to read. The book has its ups and its downs, but it is an amazing book. The book made me feel many different ways including sad, happy, and calm.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was the best book i had watched the movie thousands of time before and i was so excited! This story tells about some greasers and what they went through.....

I think that the outsiders was one of the greatest books I've ever read, it had some sad parts and some exciting parts that made the overall book really good.

John John

I think this book was an outstanding book I didn't like that Johnny boy and Dally die

Duckymomo123 Duckymomo123

The book was a slow beginning but was amazing in the middle and end. You wouldn't think of the stuff they would do next. It would keep you on the edge of your seat.

Pies Pies

This book was very interesting from the beginning to the end, it made me curious of what would happen next, and it kept me on the edge of my seat.

Gizzy  Gizzy

It was an exciting book with many twists and great lessons and learning experiences on the rivalry between two different groups.

good ending good ending

awesome ending read this book

kross21 kross21

This is my favorite book I have read, it is very interesting in many ways and everything was perfectly written, but is very upsetting. I would love to read this book again in the future.

The Outsiders was a good book. It informs readers about all the troubles that could've happened in the past. It showed readers that through your ups and downs family will stick by you. Even if they aren't logical family.

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