Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

By Sharon M. Draper

380 ratings 505 reviews 558 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 5S4.356872
Possessing a photographic memory in spite of an inability to walk or speak, Melody is mistaken as mentally challenged by those who cannot see beyond her cerebral palsy, impelling her to discover a way to communicate.
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9781416971702
ISBN-10: 141697170X
Published on 3/9/2010
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 304

Book Reviews (484)

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!!SPOILERS!! Wow. I don’t even know where to start! Well first off I just want to say that this book was... AMAZING!!! When I first saw the cover of the book I was like um... but then I saw that it had really good reviews and it turned out to be a wonderful book! Anyway back to the book. Melody is born with cerebral palsy so she can't pronounce words and she can't move properly but she has photographic memory. That makes her VERY smart but everyone else thinks she is helpless and can't do anything. WRONG! She has words in her mind and it sticks in her mind. She want's to talk and it's so frustrating not being able to express her feeling's, she can't even say I love you to her parents. How would you feel? I would feel angry and very upset. She goes to public school and has to stay in a room with other children. One day she get to be in an inclusion class. There she meets Rose. She is now in several other inclusion classes. She takes a test so that she can be on the Whiz quiz team and she made the team!! Now she moves on to the finals but the finals are in Washington DC. Melody packs for the trip and when they reach the airport Melody could not believe her ears, something that might make her forgive easily. My thoughts: Out Of My Mind is an amazing book and you can learn a lot from this book! 1. Just because you can't do something because maybe you got hurt or something like that does NOT mean you can't reach your goal! 2. Do not judge other people because they act weird or do something weird. I think this book is for ages 10+. I love the book soo much but I have to admit that I was a little bit angry with Melody's team. But I won't tell you the ending! And lastly Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover!!!!!! Have a great day! - annafantastic

That is so great to hear that you liked it I loved it soo much it was chosen for one school one book in my old school and i still have the book it really was a great find :) 😍❤

I thought this would a boring book judging by the cover but now this sounds super interesting 🤔 I will definitely read it now.

PikachuUsedThun PikachuUsedThun

Why is this goldfish jumping out of the water? Is the fish out of water? 1. Is the fish in the cover jumped away? 2. Why is the fish running away? 3. What happens if a fish was out of water?

the book's title is 'out of my mind'. So I think the author is telling that the main character is struggling to get free (she can't move her body as she wants to), to get out of the cage.

It's really good book. It's touching, and funny. The author wrote it very detailed that I almost thought she was the main character!

i have never read this book but really want to. i have hearing loss and since as long as i can rememeber i have been treated kinda diffrent. i use to have really brightly colored hearing aids (i was able to fix that) and it made me feel so diffrent. i also had speech tharapy but i gradulated this year! even though i still have a hard time with this i have a friend who's going through the same thing ( and we meet on actident! ) and she really helped me. so i cant wait to read this book!

Melody is smart and has a photographic mind. She should be advancing in her classes, right? Well, Melody has something called cerebral palsy, which makes it hard to talk and control her body parts. Her teachers, parents, and classmates all think she's a girl who doesn't know much and constantly needs help. But what they don't know is that Melody IS smart. Now when a Smarts Competition comes to her school, Melody needs to get a spot in the team. Overcoming fears, taking a new step, and seeing things from a different point of view- Sharon Draper makes you root for Melody and cry at the same time. I highly recommend with 5 stars! Happy reading!

Sadness, happiness, ups/downs, inspiration, motivation, all equal up to MELODY. (Main character) Melody is a 10 year old who is in 5th grade. She was born with cerebral palsy which means that she can't control certain body parts. Though she was diagnosed with this for her whole entire life, she is extremely smart. Photographic memories and a desirable thirst for knowledge and more, smart. Throughout 5th grade, she has been going crazy because of what she cannot do, and when a Nation Wide "Smarts Competition" (Sorry I forgot the name) has come into action, Melody decides to take a step to the next level, and to make the team. Every afternoon after school, she has been going to the lady next door's house, Mrs. Valencia's house. When the Geography Bee came, she decided to learn more and more and more each and every day. Maybe it's through random questions, or maybe it's from help from other people, but she makes the team, with a 100% on the determining test. Will Melody become the star of the team, or will Melody get made fun of and mess everyone up?

I can really relate to this book. I have autism, and my teacher treats me like how Melody’s teacher treats her. When I tell her that the work is too easy, she just s-l-o-w-l-y reads the directions again. I don’t have many friends because my teacher gave me an aid who follows me everywhere in school and repeats every that people say to me in a super quiet and slow voice, reads everything allowed to me, and makes me get everything first. This book made me both sad and happy when I read it. I recommend this book a lot.

This book is sooo good. I never knew what it would be like, never to be able to speak. That would be really scary. Melody is a really good character. This book is about overcoming your differences and facing your fears. I think it’s a really good level, too.


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