Guinea Dog

Guinea Dog

By Patrick Jennings

40 ratings 36 reviews 31 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grade 3Grades 2 - 4n/a3.727581
Rufus has been dreaming of getting a dog. His best friend has one. His worst friend has one. But his dad has a few objections: They whine. They gnaw. They bark. They scratch. They beg. They drool.

Rufus pays no attention when his mom offers her think-outside-the-box suggestion, because she can't be serious. She can't be.

She can be. And she actually comes home with a guinea pig. And if Rufus's dad thinks dogs are a problem, he won't know what hit him when he meets the Guinea Pig that Thinks She's a Dog. She barks. She bites. She'll eat your homework.
Publisher: EgmontUSA
ISBN-13: 9781606841532
ISBN-10: 160684153X
Published on 4/26/2011
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 208

Book Reviews (36)

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It was so cute. I wish my dog was a gunny dog. I loved the book so much. It was very cool that the gunny pig was like a dog.

should i read Guinea dog i like happy and funny books :

It was really interesting. He wanted a Pet so his mom got him one.and his dad hated it!1"The guinea dog" snuck in his back pack to school. that was my favorite part. You Really Should Read This Interesting Book

Great book! It's about a boy who wants a dog, but his mom and dad don't agree, so they get him a guinea pig instead. When his mom gets him one, the guinea pig starts acting like a dog.

I liked this book a lot. I was very fun and the author Patrick Jennings made it very descriptive. In the end i wanted hat hamster dog instead of a real dog!