Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story

Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story

By Mary Downing Hahn

43 ratings 41 reviews 74 followers
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Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 4U450774

Just before summer begins, 13-year-old Ali finds an odd photograph in the attic. She knows the two children in it are her mother, Claire, and her aunt Dulcie. But who’s the third person, the one who’s been torn out of the picture?

Ali figures she’ll find out while she’s vacationing in Maine with Dulcie and her four-year-old daughter, Emma, in the house where Ali’s mother’s family used to spend summers. All hopes for relaxation are quashed shortly after their arrival, though, when the girls meet Sissy, a kid who’s mean and spiteful and a bad influence on Emma.

Strangest of all, Sissy keeps talking about a girl named Teresa who drowned under mysterious circumstances back when Claire and Dulcie were kids, and whose body was never found. At first Ali thinks Sissy’s just trying to scare her with a ghost story, but soon she discovers the real reason why Sissy is so angry. . . . Mary Downing Hahn is at her chilling best in this new supernatural tale that’s certain to send shivers down her readers’ spines.

Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780547076454
ISBN-10: 0547076452
Published on 8/4/2008
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192

Book Reviews (37)

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I love the book!! You can't stop reading it!! This book isn't that scary!! :D

this book is very interesting and mysterious. It is not a calm and relaxing book. It's mainly about death so I wouldn't recommend it to someone who likes happy books.

I love mary downing Hahn books. ive read almost read all of he books

leave you hanging chapter after chapter. I never wanted to put it down.

This book is the best book iv'e ever read.I think you will love this book .

Mary Downing Hahn has done it again! I can't believe all the elements of mysteries and horror stories she managed to put in her book, "Deep and Dark and Dangerous". Trust me, it is not something that will give you nightmares but it is not your average ghost story. It was really an amazing story.

This book was about a older girl, Ally, she always babysat her younger cousin. One day her aunt asked if she would like to watch her cousin while they all went on vacation. She agreed. When the arrived, her little cousin met a new friend Susie, Susie would come over all the time and they would swim in the pond. Her cousin did not know how to swim, so she wore floaties and Ally helped her. One day, her cousin was swimming with Susie and Susie pushed her underwater, trying to drown her. She came back everyday, but her cousin did not want to play. This book was really interesting and had a nice twist to it.

it's not Susie its Sissy but i agree this is an amazing book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i agree with everything u say cami4

A wonderful page turner.Very good! I can not believe Sissy is the girl torn from the photo.

This book was sorta scary

yea but it was a very great book

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