The WHO Has Declared The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak A Pandemic: Here Is What That Means

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The COVID-19 coronavirus was declared a global pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020 (Credit: YouTube screen capture)

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the COVID-19 coronavirus global emergency is now a pandemic. The UN health agency urged countries worldwide to "double-down" on their efforts to curtail the spread of the infectious disease, which has swept into at least 114 countries and killed over 4,000 people in less than three months.

"WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock, and we're deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and the alarming levels of inaction. We have therefore made the assessment that Covid-19 can be characterized by 'pandemic,'" WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

What is a pandemic?

A pandemic refers to the unchecked spread of disease across many countries (Credit:

A viral illness usually starts as an "outbreak." This refers to a large number of people in one area getting infected within a short period of time. For example, the series of measles cases in the US in 2019 was considered an outbreak. If the disease continues to spread extensively, it is termed an "epidemic." According to the WHO, an epidemic is "the occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness ... clearly in excess of normal expectancy."

However, the rapid global spread of COVID-19 — which began as an outbreak with 41 identified cases in Wuhan, China — has clearly gone far beyond the local community and region, transforming into a "pandemic." Scary as it sounds, a pandemic is a loosely-defined term that does not necessarily predict a severely dire outcome. The WHO usually declares a pandemic when a new virus, for which people do not have immunity, spreads around the world beyond expectations.

Dr. Nathalie MacDermott, National Institute for Health Research academic clinical lecturer at King's College London, says: "The change of term does not alter anything practically as the world has been advised for the last few weeks to prepare for a potential pandemic, which has hopefully been taken seriously by all countries. The use of this term, however, highlights the importance of countries throughout the world working cooperatively and openly with one another and coming together as a united front in our efforts to bring this situation under control."

How is the world stepping up to the WHO's call for action?

While governments and corporations worldwide had taken some measures to curb the COVID-19 spread, its new status as a pandemic has elevated the urgency further. Italy, which has reported 10,000 COVID-19 cases, including 1,000 deaths — the worst outbreak outside of China — has imposed severe travel restrictions and banned all public gatherings. All sporting events have also been suspended indefinitely, and schools and universities have been shuttered until at least April 3, 2020.

Spain, with over 4,000 cases, has declared a national state of emergency. In addition to banning non-essential travel, the government has also closed all schools and universities until early April. In the Catalonia region, all businesses and retailers, except for ones selling food or essential goods, have been shut down in the four hardest-hit towns. Madrid, which is the epicenter of almost half of the country's COVID-19 cases, has taken similar measures and closed all restaurants, bars, and shops. Only supermarkets and pharmacies are allowed to remain open.

The US is taking similar measures. Following the WHO announcement, President Trump imposed a 30-day ban on visitors from continental Europe. He also promised to free up as much as $50 billion towards fighting the spread of the virus. The US government is also in the process of approving a bill that will provide free COVID-19 testing for all, and paid sick leave and unemployment insurance for those afflicted with the virus, as well as additional Medicaid funding for local healthcare systems.

Professional sports leagues, including the NBA, NCAA, NHL, and MLB, have either postponed or suspended their 2020 season. A large number of universities across the nation have closed and moved classes online for the rest of the school year. At least a dozen states, including —Ohio, Maryland, New Mexico, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, Louisiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Washington, and Alabama — have closed schools until the end of March or early April. Large retailers, including Apple Inc and Urban Outfitters are shuttering stores globally, while others like Walmart, are cutting store hours. Many American city and town officials have banned large public gatherings, including concerts. Officials are also urging citizens to limit private events to less than 100 guests.

What precautions can I take?

COVID-19, a new strain of coronavirus, first surfaced in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 (Credit:

Experts assert that simple precautions are the key to avoiding the infection. Wash your hands, including your nail tips, frequently and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands, and stay away from people displaying flu-like symptoms. Conversely, those experiencing such symptoms should get tested and not go to school, work, or any public area where they risk infecting others.

Given the unprecedented nature of the virus' spread, the situation is certainly not one to be taken lightly. However, thanks to the concerted efforts from government officials, corporations, and individuals, we remain optimistic that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon be contained.

Stay strong, stay healthy. We are all in this together!



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  • graycat
    graycatover 3 years
    Watch out everybody it is known everywhere that another wave of covid is reaching all over the world so be careful and Stay Safe
    • llama283
      llama283almost 4 years
      I do not care about covid because I don't go out I just hangout with my friends in the neighborhood and I watch tik tok so it doesn't bother me I have party's in the global pandemic I do not care about any of this stuff cuz I have had covid before.😷😷
    • pusheenicorn
      pusheenicornalmost 4 years
      duh, I wash my feet for 2 hours. EVERY DAY! 😅😂😭
      • ochaco
        ochacoalmost 4 years
        We can all beat Covid-19 if we all work together by (1) Social Distancing (2) Wearing a mask while in public (3) Staying at home as much as possible (4) Washing hands for at least 20 seconds stay safe!!
      • pusheenicorn
        pusheenicornalmost 4 years
        Hi peoples I know this is hard. But YOU CAN POWER THROUGH THIS!!! 🎵Were all in this together...🎵
        • roxanne3
          roxanne3almost 4 years
          Thanks!! I agree, I know we can do this!! Stand together by standing apart!!
        • jade1010
          jade1010almost 4 years
          Covid-19 is strong. But we can be stronger if we work together. Remember the three main important things to do to stop the spread. (1) Wear a mask. Wearing a mask can stop you from getting it. Remember to keep the mask on when you are around people. (2) Social distance. Social distancing is another thing to do when you are around people. (3) Wash your hands. Remember to wash your hands regularly. Cleanse didn't objects or places that you may use regularly. AND REMEMBER, WE ARE IN THIS.... TOGETHER!
          • jyroligykunixy
            jyroligykunixyalmost 4 years
            Hope covid goes away
            • mizumizu1013
              mizumizu1013almost 4 years
              i hope it finish
              • animereina2021
                animereina2021almost 4 years
                Sorry that it has been awhile! So I am now quarantined from school because apparently I have been sitting next to someone at my school who had COVID. They started showing symptoms one day at my school and so they had to leave. How do I know they had COVID? I knew this because they told me on google chat that they got tested positive. I am now worried.Most of the kids at my school are now being quarantined, most are at their homes doing online learning now. It is hard to keep me motivated with work, and I often hear myself saying,"I give up," but you have to keep on trying. This is a message to everyone who does online learning, whether they have been quarantined or have been doing online learning: It can be hard for some, but it is WORTH IT in the end, so keep a positive mindset about it. If you have a hard time focusing on work, then try listening to some kind of study music. I highly recommend any kind of LOFI music, which helps me focus. 🎁I hope all of you have a safe Christmas!
                • sokeefe_forever
                  sokeefe_foreverover 3 years
                  Yeah, I've been homeschooled forever (it's on a computer, but not online because it's downloadable) I like it because it's so much quicker than public school and then I have more time to do things I want to do during the day.
                  • pusheenicorn
                    pusheenicornover 3 years
                    wow intense! keep trying, and stay awesome! 😊
                    • ochaco
                      ochacoalmost 4 years
                      Whoa stay safe and I hope they get better soon!
                      • pastelea
                        pasteleaalmost 4 years
                        That's crazy! Hope you don't get it.
                        • vkgisawesome
                          vkgisawesomealmost 4 years
                          I hope you are fine now! Stay Safe!
                          • sky_dragon
                            sky_dragonalmost 4 years
                            I hope you are okay! Be Safe and Merry Christmas!!!!!
                          • zywuhelucidi
                            zywuhelucidialmost 4 years
                            same page here I do not like covid.