The New Coronavirus Explained

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The 2019-nCoV, or Wuhan virus, is a new coronavirus infecting people worldwide (Credit: Geralt/Pixabay/CCO)

On December 31, 2019, Chinese officials announced that 27 people in Wuhan, the capital of Central China’s Hubei province, had been infected with a new strain of the coronavirus. Since then, the number of cases of the contagious affliction labeled 2019-nCoV, COVID-19, or Wuhan virus, have rapidly increased, with new cases being reported daily. On Thursday, January 30, 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a global emergency, highlighting the urgency for a rapid coordinated international response to curb this global health risk.

As of January 31, 2020, 7,711 instances of the infection, including 200 deaths, had been reported in China. Additionally, about 100 people in 19 countries, including the United States, Germany, France, South Korea, and Singapore, have also tested positive for the virus. Here is everything you need to know about the Wuhan virus, which has gripped the world's attention since the beginning of 2020.

​​​​What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses get their name from the crown-like spikes on the virus' surface (Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Coronaviruses are a common cause of colds and other upper respiratory infections in humans and certain other mammals and birds. The microbes, which get their name from the crown-like ("corona" in Latin) spikes on their surface, are zoonotic, which means they can easily spread from one animal to another. Every now and again, an animal coronavirus mutates to infect humans, leading to contagious respiratory infections that have never been encountered before. This makes it harder for physicians to diagnose and cure, and results in outbreaks similar to the one the world is currently undergoing.

How often do coronaviruses evolve to infect humans?

Coronaviruses sometimes evolve to infect humans, causing widespread outbreaks (Credit: Daniel Wood/

While there are hundreds of coronaviruses, only seven have thus far evolved to infect humans. Of these, only two have resulted in outbreaks. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which originated in the Guangdong province of southern China in November 2002, infected a total of 8,098 people worldwide, resulting in 774 deaths, before it was contained in July 2003. The microbes were believed to have been transmitted to humans by the cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in China's Yunnan province.

Though the first case of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) occurred in Saudi Arabia in April 2012, the infection remained relatively contained until 2014, when the numbers suddenly began to rise. By the time it was contained in late 2015, 1,329 cases, including 525 deaths, had been attributed to the infection. A 2014 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine indicated that the microbes responsible for MERS had originated from camels.

From where did the Wuhan virus originate?

Since it was first observed primarily in stallholders, the Wuhan virus is believed to have originated from the Wuhan seafood market, which also trades in illegal wildlife like bats, marmots, birds, and snakes. Although an initial analysis of the microbes suggested the new strain was similar to the coronavirus encountered in snakes, scientists now believe that, similar to SARS, the Wuhan virus is a mutation from bats.

What is being done to stop the virus from spreading further?

Confirmed cases of people infected with the Wuhan virus worldwide, as of January 30, 2020 (Credit:

Since January 22, 2020, Chinese authorities have imposed a travel ban on the 11 million residents of Wuhan and suspended all buses, ferries, trains, and flights out of the city. Public transportation has also been halted in the nearby cities of Huanggang, Ezhou, Zhejiang, and Chibi, which together are home to more than nine million residents, and Xiantao and Qianjiang, two other cities that include large rural populations.

Meanwhile, Wuhan officials are closely tracking the health of the family members of all infected patients, as well as the residents who visited the now shuttered market around the time the virus was first detected. The Chinese government has installed infrared thermometers at exit points across the country. Anyone registering even a slight fever is instantly taken to a medical center for diagnosis and treatment.

Similar measures are being taken worldwide to stop the spread of the virus. On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, Hong Kong officials announced restricting or closing some of its border crossings with mainland China. They also shut down all schools until March 2020.

On Friday, January 31, 2020, three major US airlines — United, American, and Delta — announced they were halting all flights to mainland China until further notice. Additionally, all flights from China to the U.S. will be funneled to one of seven airports, where enhanced public health screenings will be required for Americans returning from China. These include, Los Angeles International, San Francisco International, Honolulu International, Seattle-Tacoma International, New York's John F. Kennedy International, Chicago O'Hare International, and Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International. Meanwhile, US corporations like Apple Inc. and Amazon have banned US employees from traveling to the country and are asking their employees in China to work from home.

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan virus?

Typical symptoms of the Wuhan virus (Credit: Mikael Häggström, M.D/[CC0)

The symptoms of the Wuhan virus are similar to those experienced when afflicted with the flu. They include fever, cough, fatigue, muscle pain, and shortness of breath. Some victims have also experienced severe headaches and diarrhea.

There is no specific treatment currently available for those infected with the new coronavirus. However, the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains that, if diagnosed in a timely manner, most people will recover on their own by simply resting and taking commonly-available cold medication to relieve symptoms. Additionally, the disease's most severe cases have thus far been restricted to the elderly or those with a preexisting respiratory illness.

What precautions can I take?

Though scientists are not entirely sure how this virus is spreading, coronaviruses typically pass through droplets containing large particles that can only be suspended in the air for three to six feet before dissipating. Hence, they recommend taking simple precautions, like washing hands frequently and thoroughly, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands, and staying away from people displaying flu-like symptoms. Those experiencing any of the symptoms associated with the virus are advised to cover their coughs and sneezes with their inner elbows. Most importantly, however, they should stay away from school, work, or any public area where they have the risk of infecting others.

Bottom line

Experts say that unless you have been in close contact with someone who has the coronavirus — which right now, typically means an infected traveler from Wuhan, China — you can rest easy. While things may change in the future, the CDC currently maintains that most US residents have a higher chance of contracting the common flu than the Wuhan virus!



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  • pandalover345
    pandalover345over 4 years
    Lets find a cure!!!!!!
  • danbird1
    danbird1over 4 years
    don't touch me corona
  • littledevil1234
    littledevil1234over 4 years
    I'm terrified and I don't wanna get it at all!
  • littledevil1234
    littledevil1234over 4 years
    I'm kind creeped out. I feel so bad for the Chinese, is it in Korea? Because I'm Korean!
    • joohyuun
      joohyuunover 4 years
      Unfortunately, yes, it is in South Korea. Make sure to stay safe and healthy at all times! :)) I wish you luck~ 😊
      • skyward_flight
        skyward_flightover 4 years
        Yep it's in Korea and it's bad
      • joohyuun
        joohyuunover 4 years
        This situation is extremely concerning.... the fact that the world is about to experience another devastating pandemic is unnerving. Fortunately, the virus hasn't infected any of the areas I currently live in. For now, all people can do to prevent more infections is to always stay hygienic, especially when it comes to washing your hands when you return from outside.
        • wolfdog
          wolfdogover 4 years
          90,000 isn't much. You shouldn't be concerned at all. Give or take a few years, and there will be a new vaccine. Suddenly, COVID-19 is unimportant. 50,000 people caught swine flu in 2009, and there was a pandemic issued.. that's less than COVID-19 and it was STILL considered a pandemic. The virus is only dangerous to those high-risk, such as the old, very young, and poor. It makes me sad that people wait until the media screams ''virus!!'' that they take action. The media is causing a panic, and please remember the media tends to portray things worse than they actually are. Be realistic, but at the same time don't ignore the issue. 80% of Venice's tourists have been lost because of this panic.
          • kittiesmama
            kittiesmamaover 3 years
            wolfdog, 90,000 is a lot it's a lot
            • joohyuun
              joohyuunover 4 years
              True, the media does tend to only point out the negativities. They only do this to recieve more views and get people rallied up. Unfortunatly, two people from my school were diagnosed with the virus. Resulting every student, including me, to be in quarentine in order to make sure that we are also not one of infected ones. However, I am 100% postive that I and my family are perfectly fine and healthy.
              • joohyuun
                joohyuunover 4 years
                And remember, there were viruses and pandemics that were more devastating than the corono. Again, like mentioned before, the media makes it seem as if the cornovirus is some sort of zombie apocalypse, when in reality, it isn't THAT big of a deal. Its just the fact that this specific virus spreads more rapidly and due to this fact, the number of people infected increases as well.
              • sharkqueen27
                sharkqueen27over 4 years
                What do you mean???????!!!!! 90,000 is a lot!! Or at least I'm MY book it is
                • vampire1002
                  vampire1002over 4 years
                  it is definitely not there are 8 BILLION people on this planet that is less the one fourth
                  • kittiesmama
                    kittiesmamaover 3 years
                    I agree with sharkqueen27 90,000 is a lot of people and vampire1002 if you think it's not then you should and you should be worried it bad very very bad please please be safe
              • dogocookies
                dogocookiesover 4 years
                Yes I wash my hands all the time but more people die from the flu than the coronavirus.
              • kmullikin
                kmullikinover 4 years
                i don't want people traveling if they have the corona [that is what i heard
                • wirygoldtale
                  wirygoldtaleover 4 years
                  But think about it this way. There are people in China who are not sick (went for vacation) and now are stuck. If all transportation is closed they are forced to become sick the eventually die. I understand that they might spread it if they come here but they get scanned for corona virus right when they get off the plane.
                  • wolfdog
                    wolfdogover 4 years
                    The virus takes about 2 weeks to show. That means thousands of people would have to be in temporary quarantine, and who's going to wait check all those people for Covid-19 symptoms? So while yes, it's pretty sad that uninfected people are forced to be stuck in an infected area, the virus has spread to other countries which is a direct result of people being allowed to travel. Once they start showing the symptoms it's already too late and that's how pandemics start.
              • watchdog087
                watchdog087over 4 years
                this is super sad :[
                • kmullikin
                  kmullikinover 4 years
                  this is SO awful and i do not want to get it 👀😷
                  • kyleelove2009
                    kyleelove2009over 4 years
                    im scared like really scared! I hope they find a cure
                    • wolfdog
                      wolfdogover 4 years
                      Calm down, the media is likely just overreacting. I don't want to come off as careless, but 80,000 vs 1 billion in China is less than 00.01% (1% would be 10 million). I can't fathom why everyone is acting as if people will turn into zombies.