In Western Australia Even Sharks  Send Out 'Tweets'!

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The fact that Twitter, the social networking and microblogging site which enables users to send 'tweets' or 140 character messages to their followers is popular, is no secret. However so far the service was being used only by humans. Now it appears that some sharks that frequent the coastal regions of Western Australia have also joined the fray.

But before your imagination runs wild, these fish are not swimming around with mobile phones and using their fins to type messages. Rather, over 330 of them have been tagged with electronic devices that remotely send out a tweet through Surf Life Saving Western Australia's Twitter account, if they get to within a kilometer of a local beach.

Besides warning them about the presence of the shark, the tweet also provides details on its size and location. it is hoped that this instant information will give swimmers and surfers enough time to steer away and avoid a confrontation.

Though this a great first step to helping both fish and humans, the researchers caution residents from getting too complacent. That's because only a small number of sharks have been tagged and the electronic devices only send out signals when they are within a specific radius.

Besides using the sensors to help against attacks, the researchers are also hoping to gain more insight into shark behavior and movements, with the help of an extensive network of monitors that have been placed on the seabed around the coastline.

Though Western Australia is considered to be the most dangerous in the world for shark attacks, the numbers are actually quite small. In 2012, the area recorded just 14 attacks and only a total of 64 fatal ones have been recorded worldwide, since 2001. However, the perception and fear of the fish is so high that measures like this are deemed necessary, to provide residents some comfort.

In addition, conservationists are also hoping that it will help save the fish whose numbers are already greatly reduced, thanks to human activity. That's because a recently passed Australian law allows professional fishermen to kill sharks that are larger than three meters, if they appear in certain zones. As if that is not bad enough, the law also stipulates that sharks that come close to the beach in the summer can be baited to locations one kilometer offshore, and killed. Hopefully the 'tweeting' sensors that will last for a decade before requiring replacement, will help prevent unnecessary killings.


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  • carmenover 10 years
    cool now people wont get hurt as much
    • GRACEover 10 years
      • Robloxerover 10 years
        That is so cooooooooooooooll I love Australia
        • asdf awsomenessover 10 years
          It can also have eaten a phone that every time someone texts it tweets
          • gymnast02over 10 years
            I just think that its nice to let people know about where sharks are on the beach and that will surly help with people's safety on the beach with much less sharks attacks, However i don't think its necessary to kill the sharks but instead maybe just coming up with a way to get them to swim in the other direction.
            • nika123
              nika123over 10 years
              They are so mean to sharks. They just want to eat.
              • prettycatsover 10 years
                that's so cool at first when I read the title I was like WHAT then I read it and im like ohhhhh
                • stormkit_10
                  stormkit_10over 10 years
                  1) Sharks can tweet because people put electronic trackers in sharks so that when a shark comes one mile off the coast it sends an alert so that people can get out of the water. 2) It was important to create this warning mechanism because they think that if they get everybody out of the water before the sharks get there they will be able to prevent shark attacks from happening because nobody is in the water there is nobody for them to attack. 3) The new law allows professional fishermen to kill sharks that get too close.
                  • gap430
                    gap430over 10 years
                    wow that is a lot of information. How do you know all this stuff about sharks?
                  • rainsplash_64
                    rainsplash_64over 10 years
                    Sharks that tweet in Australia: Questions 1.) Sharks tweet in Australia. But not by holding phones in their flippers using them to write! They get tagged with electronic trackers that remotely send out tweets via twitter to Surf Life Saving WA. 2.) It was necessary to create this way so fisherman don’t have to kill sharks, reducing their amounts.
                    • hogwartsisepic3
                      hogwartsisepic3over 10 years
                      1.)They are tagged with electronic devices that remotely send out a tweet through Surf Life Saving Western Australia’s twitter account any time they get within a kilometer of a local beach. 2.)It was necessary to create the warning mechanism because since 2001 there were 64 deaths and in the area many residents are afraid of them and they deserve some comfort. 3.)The new law allows professional fisherman to kill sharks that are larger than three meters if they appear in certain zones.